To buy or not to buy a house – it is one of the most pressing questions for many Americans today when the economy seems to be so vulnerable and unstable. There are a lot of potential homebuyers who have been saving for years to purchase a house but are suddenly wondering if it will be better to keep renting instead of buying a home. If you are one of them and you are struggling to make a decision, this article is for you. Let’s discuss when renting is a better idea than purchasing 
Maximum Flexibility is What You Want 
No one knows what the future holds for you, so it is important to stay flexible. If you are not sure how long you are going to stay in one place or you are searching for a job that might require you to move, then it is better to postpone your buying decision and keep renting. You might also decide to rent instead of buying if the economy in your current state or town is not clear. It is better to wait a little bit and see how the economic situation unfolds before investing money in a certain area.  
You do Not Want to Lose Money 
If you buy a house and then decide to sell it after couple of years, then you should be ready to lose money. To show you what we mean, here is an example. Let’s say you purchased a house in Miami for $200,000 and assume it appreciates about 5% in value. So you decide to sell it for $210,000. Unfortunately, you will not be able to receive the whole amount after the sale transaction because there are some closing costs you have to pay. They include a broker commission (about 5%), City Real Estate and State Transfer Tax, and some other closing fees. It total, it will be about 7% of the purchase price of the house, which is almost $15,000 in our case. So even if you are lucky enough to sell your house for $10,000 more than you purchased it for, you will lose $15,000. If you do not want to lose this amount, then renting is your best option for now.  
We understand that buying a house is a serious life decision, especially today. Therefore, we recommend you to consider all the pros and cons, and ask yourself the following questions:  

  • Are you planning to stay in this neighborhood, town, or state, or would you consider relocating in the future? 
  • Do you feel stable and safe enough to commit to a 30-year mortgage?  
  • Will you be able to sell this home without losing a lot of money?